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Lenses to look at the world.

The not so humble line

Organizations are always in this zest to figure out the best structure that will help them deliver better. Often, the thinking is aligned to the dominant narrative of the day irrespective of the industry or type of work (today it is - agile product teams - squads, tribes etc. etc. and yes FOMO is in play). You would be surprised to see the representation of team structure that comes out of an organization design exercise - it typically has (many) boxes, dotted lines, solid lines, colors, even some interesting irregular shapes.


In this melee, a key aspect more often than not is forgotten. And that is, the moment one draws a line, a box or a circle they have "formalized" an in-group and an out-group (us - them). The natural exchange is stopped. It is quite possible that the increased efficiency (you think) from the new structure will be counterbalanced by the increased transaction costs over these very boundaries when you consider the whole. So, be very conscious when you are about to draw that line.


Customer perception

In the increasing digital world the perception in the online  world does drive buying decisions.


The sentiment analysis 2x2 gives you an easy way to understand your position in the "battle of perceptions". Of course, the question to ask is "What tactics* should be used to become a maverick, and possibly remain one".


Food for thought:

What would the golden ratio mean here? :).


* the blue arrows on the image

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